
New Religious Movements

New Religious Movements is a general name for numerous organizations of religious or pseudo-religious type, characterized by a relatively recent emergence (most emerged in the second half of the 20th century, but the oldest of them, for example Mormons, originated in the mid-19th century) and religious syncretism.

As a rule, they are also characterized by religious radicalism, active proselytizing, and a negative attitude toward the traditions and norms accepted in society. Their founders and leaders play a key role in their lives (they are often deified, recognized as infallible, etc.).

Not only the term “new religious movements” but also the terms “new (non-traditional) religions,” “minority religions,” and others are used to refer to these organizations. Religious studies scholars have documented the violation of laws by many new religious movements, the exploitation of their members, the manipulation of their minds, and the establishment of strict control over their identity, calling new religious movements “totalitarian sects” or “destructive cults.

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